Past PD Offerings
All past Professional Development recordings, handouts, and resources are available on Canvas. To access a specific offering, simply click the link beside it. Please be aware that you will need to complete a short form on Canvas to access the offering.
1/30/2023 | Navigating OER Resources: Learn Where to Go and What to Look for
Presenter: Briana Patriarca
Audience: Program Facilitators and Teachers
Why reinvent the wheel when there are thousands of open educational resources (OER) that can be easily integrated into your curriculum? In this training, we will discuss how to find OERs and best practice tips for managing your OER resources.
1/17/2023 | Enhance Your Digital Literacy with Google Applied Digital Skills
Presenter: MaryKate Haverly
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Program Facilitators
Looking for ideas for free, ready-to-use, project-based lessons for your classroom? Google Applied Digital Skills may be the answer! Come explore the content and pedagogy behind Applied Digital Skills that will empower your students to gain the digital literacy tools and skills needed for success.
12/19/2022 | Use Nearpod to Build an Interactive and Collaborative Class
Presenter: Briana Patriarca
Audience: Teachers
Nearpod offers a library of interactive lessons and activities on a variety of topics. In this training, we will provide a brief overview of Nearpod including navigating the site, adding and creating lessons/activities, and best practice tips and tricks in managing your Nearpod dashboard.
12/12/2022 | Creating Collaborative Opportunities in the Blended Learning Classroom
Presenter: MaryKate Haverly
Audience: Directors, Program Facilitators, Teachers
Collaborative learning is critical for student success and engagement. Digital learning tools, such as Jamboard, can enhance participation, collaboration and creativity, both inside and outside the classroom. In this training, we will discuss the benefits of collaborative learning, explore strategies using Jamboard, and design learning opportunities ready to be implemented in your in-person or online classroom.
11/21/2022 | Northstar BYOQ ("Bring Your Own Questions") Roundtable
Presenter: Jose Adorno
Audience: Directors, Program Facilitators, Teachers
Do you have questions on how to use Northstar Digital Literacy after the training sessions? Do you need some guidance as to where to start? Are you looking to filter reports based on location, class, or student levels? This roundtable discussion allows agencies to bring their questions and find answers, as well as hear about some tips and tricks from some agencies that have been using Northstar with their learners. Agencies will receive a Northstar toolkit with everything they need to get started.​ You can access the recording and handout in the Northstar Trainings section of the Northstar Toolkit.
Click here to access the Northstar Toolkit.
11/9/2022 | Northstar Training #3 - Introducing Learners to Northstar Digital Literacy
Presenter: Rob Podlasek
Audience: Northstar Admin, Teachers
In this training, we will go over how to present assessments and self-directed online learning to your students and go through the Northstar curricula with participants as learners. The topics covered include:
Guiding learners through assessments
Proctoring review
Explaining the student dashboard to learners
How to use Northstar self-directed Online Learning from a learner perspective
Example of using the instructor-led curricula remotely
You can access the recording and handout in the Northstar Trainings section of the Northstar Toolkit.
Click here to access the Northstar Toolkit.
10/31/2022 | Northstar Training #2 - Getting Started with Northstar Digital Literacy
Presenter: Rob Podlasek
Audience: Northstar Admin, Directors, Program Facilitators
This training will cover the tasks needed to start using Northstar effectively and efficiently, how to run reports, resources available to Northstar subscribers, and the first steps. The topics covered include:
Creating Learner Accounts
Proctoring – In person and Remote
Running Reports
Accessing and Using Curricula
You can access the recording and handout in the Northstar Trainings section of the Northstar Toolkit.
Click here to access the Northstar Toolkit.
10/28/2022 | Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Introducing Technology Into Your Classroom!
Presenter: Briana Patriarca
Audience: Teachers, Administrators, Program Facilitators
Want to introduce technology into your classroom, but are not sure where to start? Are you feeling overwhelmed by technology? In this session, we will go over things to consider when introducing technology and provide best practice tips and tricks on introducing technology into your classroom in an effective and low-stress way. You will leave this webinar with a sample plan and resources to help guide you and your students on your technology journey.
10/24/2022 | Northstar Training #1 - Overview of Northstar Features
Presenter: Rob Podlasek
Audience: Northstar Admin, Directors, Program Facilitators
In this training, you will learn about Northstar Digital Literacy standards, assessments, curriculum, self-directed online learning, and reporting. You will ascertain how to start incorporating and implementing digital literacy into your organization using the Northstar features.
You can access the recording and handout in the Northstar Trainings section of the Northstar Toolkit.
Click here to access the Northstar Toolkit.
10/18/2022 | Google Classroom: The Basics and Beyond!
Presenter: MaryKate Haverly
Audience: Teachers, Administrators
Are you looking to streamline assignments, boost collaboration and engage your students? Look no further than Google Classroom! In this webinar we will review the basics of getting started in Google classroom, including setting up your classroom for both in-class and virtual learning, exploring available resources, and tips for using your virtual classroom in an in-person setting. You will leave this session with a virtual classroom that is ready for learning at any place and at any time!
Click here to register and access the recording.
09/29/2022 | Become a Data-Driven Agency! Use Google Forms and Google Sheets to Deliver Data-Driven Instruction
Presenter: Jose Adorno
Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Program Facilitators, Data Administrators
Have you used digital forms in your agency to collect information from your students? Do you wish there was an easier way to analyze open-ended responses? Technology has opened the door for agencies to collect useful data, such as student interests, overall understanding of topics, and skills self-assessments, that can assist them with the specific instructional needs of their student population. This webinar will discuss ways to implement organizational strategies with the collected data in Google Forms to find the information you are looking for. We will be using Google Forms and Google Sheets; however, you can use other programs, like Microsoft Forms and Excel, to manipulate the data.
Click here to register and access the recording.
09/20/2022 | Communication is Key! Building a Positive Rapport with Students using Talking Points and Spreadsheets
Presenter: Jose Adorno
Audience: Administrators, Teachers
Do you or your agency spend countless hours contacting students? Do you have a list of common reasons why students cannot attend classes? Would you like to have their reasons categorized and accessible? In this webinar, learn how implementing procedures around a system can assist agencies to build a positive rapport with students while gathering information on the obstacles students face in their attempt to attend class. We will be using Talking Points and Google Sheets; however, these procedures can be applied to other programs.
Click here to register and access the recording.
08/18/2022 | Summer Institute 2022
Presenter: Jose Adorno
Audience: All Staff
The Summer Institute was offered virtually this year. Digital ATDN hosted the event and offered mini-sessions on different topics that can assist agencies at the beginning of the school year.
Click here to register and access the recordings.
2021-2022 | Digital ATDN PDs
Presenter: Multiple Presenters
Audience: All Staff
PDs offered in the 2021-2022 school year are available through Canvas. You can access the sessions by signing up in ProTraxx. All sessions are grouped by program and include recordings, handouts, and discussion boards.
Click here to register and access the recordings.
The Digital Learning for Adults site was created to provide ready-to-use resources for teachers. Past recordings of webinars and professional development sessions are available, for free, upon request.