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Google Applied Digital Skills
Link to the curriculum
What is it?  The Google Applied Digital Skills program is a free, video-based curriculum that teaches learners essential digital skills through practical, project-based lessons.
Why is it worth considering?  The curriculum is designed for real-world applications, aligns with digital literacy and workforce readiness goals, and can be easily adapted for different learning levels and needs.
What are the Digital Literacy requirements? The curriculum is best suited for learners with basic reading proficiency and foundational computer skills. It covers topics such as using Google Workspace tools, online collaboration, research, internet safety, and creating digital content.
This curriculum is great for...
  • Adult learners looking to develop digital skills for work and daily life.

  • Educators seeking ready-to-use, project-based digital literacy lessons.

  • Agencies supporting digital equity and workforce readiness initiatives.

The Google Applied Digital Skills' Alignment to SDEI​


In order to keep the curriculum comparisons in an apples to apples context, we will use the Seattle Digital Equity Initiative (SDEI) digital skills framework to provide the domains where the curriculum aligns to. It is worth mentioning that there are additional factors that are not present in this alignment that would impact in the decision of what curriculum you will use at your agency, which includes, but not limited to:


- Leaner and agency access to technology 

- Learner and agency academic, professional and personal goals

- Partnerships and collaborations with non-profit organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders

- Learners' academic background, knowledge, and experience

- Learners' English language background, knowledge, and experience​

- The time allotted to complete and/or met expectations​


When exploring the curriculum below, you will find a SDEI domain tabs that, when selected, will show the aligned activities from the framework. Please note that only the lessons and domains that have correlations will show in this document. You can access the full alignment across the frameworks and curricula available by going to the Digital ATDN BRIDGES Digital Learning Checklist. ​


Exchanging information with others on digital platforms using various strategies to collaborate, share, and communicate.​​


Start or Join a Video Conference with Google Meet

CO.3 Make Voice and Video Calls​


Google Meet for Beginners

CO.3 Make Voice and Video Calls​


Give and Receive Feedback

CO.7 Share Information with Others​


Deliver a Presentation to an Audience

CO.7 Share Information with Others


Connect and Collaborate From Anywhere with Digital Tools

CO.7 Share Information with Others


Plan Effective Meetings

CO.7 Share Information with Others

Brainstorm Ideas in a Group

CO.7 Share Information with Others


Make a Family Newsletter

CO.7 Share Information with Others


Communicate Effectively at Work

CO.7 Share Information with Others


Communicate With Your Team Using Google Chat

CO.8 Use Messaging Tools

Foundational Skill Support for Curriculum Success
Google Applied Digital Skills provides comprehensive, step-by-step tutorials to assist all level learners. However, learners engaging with the platform should have a foundational level of digital skills, including but not limited to:​​
  • Navigating a browser and accessing websites
  • Using basic keyboard and mouse functions
  • Creating and managing a Google account
  • Navigating multiple tabs
Providing learners with tutorials to practice and implementing edtech routines will be beneficial in strengthening these skills to be used throughout the curriculum. We also recommend the following modules from Northstar to develop these foundation skills:
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Learners that need basic support can work on the following Northstar modules: - Basic Computer Skills - Internet Basics - Using Email

Learners that need basic support can work on the following Northstar modules: - Basic Computer Skills - Internet Basics - Using Email

Learners that need basic support can work on the following Northstar modules: - Basic Computer Skills - Internet Basics - Using Email

Basic Computer Skills​​​

Some skills in this module:

  • Learn the basic components of a computer.

  • ​Navigate its interface,

  • Perform essential tasks using internet-capable devices.​​

Internet Basics

Some skills in this module:

  • Safe browsing

  • Navigating websites

  • Performing online searches

Using Email

Some skills in this module:

  • Set up and manage an email account

  • Send & receive messages

  • Organize an inbox

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