Northstar Curriculum
Link to the curriculum
What is it? The Northstar Digital Literacy program helps learners assess and build essential computer and internet skills through interactive modules and assessments.
Why is it worth considering? The program offers self-paced, competency-based learning aligned with digital literacy standards. It includes assessments, certificates, and lessons adaptable to various learners and instructional settings.
What are the Digital Literacy requirements? The curriculum is best suited for learners with basic reading skills and some familiarity with using a computer. It covers essential skills like internet use, email, Microsoft Office, and information literacy.
This curriculum is great for...
Adult learners aiming to build or validate fundamental digital skills
Educators providing structured, standards-based digital literacy instruction.
Agencies focused on digital equity and workforce readiness initiatives.
The Northstar Digital Literacy Alignment to SDEI​
In order to keep the curriculum comparisons in an apples to apples context, we will use the Seattle Digital Equity Initiative (SDEI) digital skills framework to provide the domains where the curriculum aligns to. It is worth mentioning that there are additional factors that are not present in this alignment that would impact in the decision of what curriculum you will use at your agency, which includes, but not limited to:
- Leaner and agency access to technology
- Learner and agency academic, professional and personal goals
- Partnerships and collaborations with non-profit organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders
- Learners' academic background, knowledge, and experience
- Learners' English language background, knowledge, and experience​
- The time allotted to complete and/or met expectations​
When exploring the curriculum below, you will find a SDEI domain tabs that, when selected, will show the aligned activities from the framework. Please note that only the lessons and domains that have correlations will show in this document. You can access the full alignment across the frameworks and curricula available by going to the Digital ATDN BRIDGES Digital Learning Checklist. ​
Device Ownership
Practices that support device longevity, including physical care, protective software, and using technical support.
Access Telehealth Appointments​
DO.1 Maintain Tech Devices
DO.3 Keep Devices Safe and Secure
DO.4 Fix Technical Problems
Supporting K-12 Distance Learning
DO.2 Find Technical Support
DO.3 Keep Devices Safe and Secure
Foundational Skill Support for Curriculum Success
The Northstar Digital Literacy Program is recommended for learners with a 212 reading score. Learners that plan or are expected to work on the modules would require some familiarity on the computer. While Northstar can be used to develop basic digital literacy skills, learners that will be using the modules would need onboarding support on some of the items below:​​
Account log in information​
Basic web browsing
Media Control
Northstar has tutorials available that you can share with your learners. Learners that need to develop additional language and digital skills can use the following:
Northstar Lesson Plans
Northstar provides Set up and manage an email account
Send & receive messages
Organize an inbox
DART Curriculum
The curriculum focuses on developing concepts and vocabulary before hands-on with devices. A few recommended lessons are:
Mouse and Keyboard Practice
Some skills in this module:
Safe browsing
Navigating websites
Performing online searches